
Yulia Medvedeva

Yulia Medvedeva is a renowned model and beauty queen, celebrated for her titles such as Missis Top Beauty International and Grand Prix Top Model World. She shares her insights on personal development, the blend of tradition and modernity in fashion, and the daily rituals that keep her grounded amidst the glamour of the industry

Yulia, as a recognised model and beauty queen, what do titles like Missis Top Beauty International and Grand Prix Top Model World mean to you? What changes have they brought to your life?
Receiving these titles confirmed that I was on the right path. They reinforced the importance of focusing on personal development, physical health, and appearance, irrespective of age.

You have worked with designers from Iran and North Korea. How have these unique cultural contexts influenced your perception of fashion?
The norms, customs, and traditions of Iran and North Korea differ significantly from those of my own upbringing. Both countries possess distinctive cultures where national traditions are deeply rooted. However, modern fashion trends are also evident in the work of local designers, creating a fascinating blend of tradition and contemporary influences.

What has been the most challenging moment in your modelling career, and how did you overcome it?
For me, every time I step onto the runway feels like a celebration. I genuinely can’t recall any particularly difficult moments.

Is there a show or photoshoot that you have not yet undertaken but dream of? Which of your favourite designers do you wear off the catwalk?
Absolutely! I believe the best photoshoots and shows are still to come. I often wear outfits from Italian and Korean designers, which I adore.

How do you maintain your physical fitness and psychological balance, given the busy schedule of a model? What rituals are essential to your day?
Regular physical exercise significantly reduces stress, enhances mood, and boosts productivity. I have been involved in sports since childhood, and I firmly believe that consistency is key. As for my daily rituals, regardless of what the day holds, I always start with a positive mindset—waking up with a smile. Following this, I engage in my essential beauty routine: cleansing, toning, moisturising my skin, applying sun protection, doing my makeup, and caring for my hair. I also prioritise breakfast, as I consider it a crucial step for maintaining beauty. This morning routine is not merely about self-care; it’s a way to prepare for the day with confidence and positivity.

Model: Julia Medvedeva @juliam_bear
Producer: Beatris Malakhova @beatrismalahova
PR-agent: Aleksandra Britan @aleksandra_britan_
Photographer & stylist: Katerina Medvedeva @katerinamedvedeva_photo
Dress & accessories: @katerina_medvedeva_dresses
Muah: Natalia Medvedeva @nataly_muah_lashes
Location: Mars photostudios @mars_photostudios