
Astrid Palca

Astrid Palca is a remarkable individual who seamlessly blends her roles as a distinguished medical doctor and celebrated model. With a vibrant presence that defies age-related stereotypes, she embodies living fully and fearlessly. Astrid’s journey is a compelling narrative of passion, resilience, and continuous growth, making her an inspiring figure for people of all ages.

Astrid, let me express my admiration for you. You look amazing, are at the peak of your activity, and defy all stereotypes about women over 50. You work as a doctor and are a prominent model, often featured in fashion magazines. Did you always know which direction to go in? How did your modeling career begin?

Thank you so much for the wonderful compliments; they actually left me speechless for a moment. The best compliment of all is that I seem to defy all stereotypes about women over 50.

Yes, I’m a medical doctor, and I love my job. Equally, I love my other passion—modeling. However, I would never describe myself as a famous model, even though I am featured in several magazines. This success is the result of constant work and collaborations with fantastic photographers I am grateful to work with. The connection with creative and professional people allowed me to curate a well-maintained gallery on my Instagram account, which became a significant step in my modeling career.

My first step into modeling was a video production over ten years ago for my company, which received overwhelming feedback. Following that, I started doing photoshoots and another video production for my portfolio exam for my postgraduate studies, which was also a great success.

Throughout my life, I’ve been a creative person with numerous ideas, always thinking “out of the box.” Maybe this is why I was able to seize opportunities and take unexpected paths.

Your life philosophy is to remain curious and constantly learn. What new skills or knowledge have you recently acquired?

Yes, that’s absolutely my life philosophy. Lifelong learning is my personal “fountain of youth.” Some years ago, I started postgraduate studies to become a Master of Insurance Medicine. This was a fantastic journey but also very challenging, as I was working full-time and lost my father in the middle of my studies. However, I focused all my energy on achieving my goal and successfully completed the program.

In the last few years, I supported my son during his apprenticeship and learned a lot from him about technical drawing and architecture. When his exam came up a few weeks ago, I was able to be his study partner.

Additionally, I am continuously working on improving my modeling skills and will soon be learning from one of the best in the industry. This October, I will return to my beloved New York to attend a model camp hosted by a real supermodel. I can’t wait for this exciting opportunity.

You were born in Berlin, live in Switzerland with your American husband, and have visited many countries. What cultural experiences and cities have made the greatest impact on your life and work? Have you encountered cultural differences in your family?

Yes, but you should know, I’m from the eastern part of Berlin and grew up behind the “Iron Curtain.” The Berlin Wall was still dividing the city and people. After the wall came down, I was able to visit the western part of Europe and the world. I have visited many countries and cities, and I lost my heart to New York, London, Paris, and Rio de Janeiro. In Rio, I even attended the Carnival, dancing with a Samba school. It was one of the best experiences of my life.

Haha… there are indeed some cultural differences in our family. I need a nicely set table, taking my time, and enjoying all the dishes in a beautiful atmosphere when eating. My “boys” aren’t as particular and always make fun of me, comparing me to the “Queen of England.”

You mentioned that your life has gotten better with age. You play sports and pay great attention to your health. What changes have occurred in you after turning 50? What advice would you give to women who are afraid of aging?

That’s true; my life has definitely gotten better with age. But I have to be honest—turning 50 and beyond does bring changes. Besides not looking like I did at 20, I now need more time for my beauty routine, and it’s getting harder to stay in shape. One sleepless night can take a week to recover from—that’s the reality for a mature woman.

So ladies, we all want to get old, but nobody wants to look or feel old. We have to deal with this contradiction and find a realistic compromise. Charm and style, knowledge, and wisdom become our new irresistible “superpowers” as we age.

Are you naturally disciplined, or have you developed this quality? What type of training do you like best and why?

Regarding discipline: Yes and no. I am both disciplined and rebellious, but I lean more towards being disciplined. This is something I had to learn in life—both talent and discipline are needed to become successful, and discipline makes the difference.

I love walking, hiking, and dancing. In the summer, I enjoy swimming, and in between, I do some fitness and weight workouts. My daily schedule is full, so I have to incorporate my training into my everyday life. Dancing is the best way to move my entire body, and it makes me immediately smile and feel happy.

What helped you stay optimistic during difficult moments in life? What magic words can teach you to accept life as it is?

I’ve faced some difficult and very sad moments in my life. The worst experience was in my teenage years when I lost my mother to breast cancer. I had to learn that life includes both dark and sad sides, just as it does happy moments. Accepting life as it is can help you stay strong and optimistic, even during tough times. I always tried to make the best out of any situation, and sometimes a new door would open, leading to new opportunities.

My magic words are: “The sunshine always returns, and life is wonderful and a gift we must appreciate every day.”

Photographer and Makeup artist: @mauriziomontani_ Maurizio Montani

Assistance and styling: @mikyander Michela Anderloni

Wardrobe credit: @reviseconcept Reviseconcept

Creative implementation: @gloriamontani

Model: @astridpalca Astrid Palca

PR: @say__media

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