
Katerina Katz

Katerina Katz, an opinion leader, an incredible and inspiring personality is ready to share her secrets of harmony and balance in life. Today she will reveal her basic principles of proper caring not only for the outer shell, but also for the inner and spiritual world. By her example, Katerina shows how important it is to pay attention to all areas of your life in order to get everything you want.

Q: Katerina, you are an example of a woman who has found a balance between the physical and spiritual. Your beauty truly saves the world, because you are a mentor to others and skillfully integrate spiritual practices into your daily rhythm of life. Are you sure that our body is a temple and it is smarter than our brain? How do you define the basic principles of healthy eating? Can you share information about your daily diet?

A: I’m against of any diets, I call it healthy lifestyle nutrition. It must become your daily routine, same as you brush your teeth every day. When I was a child I literally ate everything, candies which has a lot of unhealthy chemical ingredients and other junk food, as all kinds basically do. I have the rare blood type AB, and because of it, the unhealthy eating caused a lot of allergies on my skin. We found a doctor who helped me to detoxify my body out of those chemical products and built for me a healthy menu based on my blood type and personal allergy tests. I had a personal chef who cooked for me all those meals and since childhood I learned what’s healthy eating without any diets. I still follow those recommendations. 

My day starts with supplements on an empty stomach including: Japanese fish collagen, liposomal vitamin C, turmeric-ginger-curcumin pills, liposomal glutathione and zeolit with a two glasses of spring water with squeezed lemon and mix of alkalazing bled in it with more than 20 herbs, roots and extracts including spirulina etc. I call it my first healthy breakfast haha. In 30 mins I make a fresh smoothie, using only fresh organic fruits and veggies. I’m against of frozen ones because it loses mostly all vitamins and nutrients during these freezing process. My two favorite types of smoothies are: spinach-banana-kiwi (or passion fruit and guava when it’s a season) and a peach-mango-fresh squeezed orange juice. The second favorite mix is melon-papaya-spinach or any plant based milk. To such smoothies I add mix of flaxseed-chia-hemp, powder of supergreens and plant based protein. After the smoothie I go to the gym, Pilates class or hike. But only after having breakfast or lunch, usually it’s farmers eggs/egg whites with mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, vegan cheese and any kind of vegan/turkey or chicken sausage, avocado toast with smoked salmon on quinoa-rice cracker and small portion of mixed salad with veggies. After this meal I take all my vitamins. 

Around 5-6 PM I have a fresh squeezed juice, normally it’s apples-celery-pineapple-broccoli-carrots. 

Around 8-9 PM I have dinner. Usually it’s a big portion of mixed salad with veggies, sprouts, nuts and tuna or any other protein. 

For the dessert I like a bowl of mixed berries and a bit of dark chocolate with hazelnuts.

Before going to bed I have a glass of vegan cashew yogurt no sugar added with a magnesium and probiotics. 

I keep a break between my meals at least 3-4 hours or until the moment when I get starving. I like the intermediate fasting for at least 12-16 hours between my last supper and breakfast. I drink a lot of water during the day, normally it’s 1 gallon. 

I don’t eat milk products, no gluten and no pork. I’m not a big fan of meat, I can eat few pieces in a good restaurant once every 2-3 months. 

Once a week I afford myself any unhealthy food I want like a French fries, vegan burger, fried calamari etc.

I’m not a big fan of alcohol, I can have a glass of red wine or skinny spicy margarita once in a while. Alcohol doesn’t work well for your body and skin. 

Twice a year I do 3-4 weeks detox with only vegan food. For physical and mental detoxification. It’s a different type of menu there. 

These are my basic food secrets. But before using any of it, ask your doctor please, because if it works for me it doesn’t mean it would work for you. It’s all individual. 

Q: What is included to your weekly exercise program and how do you choose activity?

A: I’m a big sport lover since childhood. I got my first personal trainer when I was 16. And it really changed my life for better. 

Like I mentioned earlier I do sport once a day. During the week it is usually do 30-40 mins gym exercises, 15-20 mins of any cardio, stretching, and then working with weights. I love when women body looks natural, with emphasized natural shapes. That’s why I choose weights in the gym that allow my body to look naturally shaped, but not over-pumped.

Also I do a lot of hiking, beach running, horse riding, tennis, heels dancing, Pilates, mountain biking, Yin Yoga with Sound Healing. Also I do love playing golf at least few times a month. 

Every morning when I get up, I asked myself and my body what kind of activity I would like to have today, and based on my feelings and schedule I pick the activities. 

Q: What rituals of face and body care can’t your day be completed without?

A: I really care about home skin care. To my mind it’s very important to keep your skin looks great day by day. I wash my face twice a day, use a tonic, herb collagen spray, ampules, creams at daytime and serums at night time. And of course SPF 50 on your face daily. 

My favorite brands are Japanese Forlied, organic cosmetic ÉMINENCE, French BIOLOGIQUE RECHERCHE, IS CLINIC and ampules from BABOR, and some products from zein obagi. 

In the morning I do some nourishing masks. Once a week I use face and body scrub, daily before bed I do High Frequency for my face and scalp, it helps you with blood circulation and oxygen for your skin. 

For my body I use creams and body washes only with natural organic ingredients like shea butter, different oils and etc. You can find it in Whole Foods stores. 

For my hair I apply special mix of 20 different oils to my roots with massage and coconut oil for full length 3-4 times a week before a gym or before a bed time. Masks once a week, and salon procedures like “Japanese happiness for hair” and Tokyo inkarami.

All other beauty procedures I do in beauty salons, my tops are: hydro facial or facial once a month, once every 2 months biorevitalization with aminoacids and peptides, CO2 laser or similar 1-2 times a year, micro needling with PRP or exosomes every 3-4 month, BIO repeel once a month, Morpheus twice a year, BBL twice a year. RF lifting 4-6 times a year. NAD IV with glutathione 3-4 times a year. 

I’m against of any face fillers besides lips, but it’s my own choice and personal opinion. I think beauty industry has much bigger progress right now to keep your skin younger and healthier than juts pump fillers into your face and stretch your skin. 

For the body I do really love visiting sauna once a month, also I like any kind of body wraps, endosphere machine and deep tissue massage 2-3 times a week. Personally I like Thai combination massage. 

Also during my vegan breaks twice a year for 3-4 weeks I do hydro colonic therapy 2-3 times. 

Q: What methods do you use to clear your mind of toxic information? What affirmations about self-love could you share with readers?

A: I was studying psychology for a while, plus I’m in the therapy when I need it. For me it’s much easier to read people and their toxic behavior. First of all you should have a boundaries and don’t let other people to destroy your inner peace. It’s so important. Like I always say everything starts with a self-love, if you don’t love yourself, don’t respect yourself no one will either. Everything starts from you. How you treat yourself is how other people will treat you. Your surrounding people is your mirror. Choose carefully with whom to contact daily, 5-6 closest people around you is reflect that shows you. Think about it. If you wanna be successful and achieve a life goals but your surrounding people have poor life and destructive attitudes, most likely you not gonna achieve what you want, you should cut those people off and find others who inspire you! If you have a blocks and self-destructive patterns, you should find a specialist who can help you with it, be in the therapy is so important for your inner peace. 

My daily and life affirmations are: 

Everything is temporary, good and bad things in life, everything will end sooner or later. If it’s a good thing so juts enjoy it as much as you can and be grateful for it, if it’s something bad it won’t last forever, learn your lesson and move on. Don’t focus on the negative thoughts about it, even in such a dark time find something good and hold on to this something good until this bad time is over. It will over anyway and after darkness will be the sunrise, always keep it to your mind. 

Never try to drown out your problems with a food, drugs or alcohol, it’s the worst thing you can do to yourself. Like Buddha said: if you can fix a problem then just fix it, if you can’t fix it, then it’s not your problem. 

Never try to save or fix people around you, unless they asked for your help or advice, they pay you money as a specialist to fix their problems or you work or have your own charity found, which helps people. I’m not talking about charity here, I support any type of charitable donations. Family members are different story, but even there you should always keep your boundaries. 

If you wanna change your life you should do something, affirmations and meditations are nice, and good instruments in it, but without steps and real actions it means absolutely nothing. 

Never stop to learn something new! It can be a new hobby, language or whatever, it’s so important for our brain to get healthy information daily. Like you train your muscles at the gym, train your brain daily. 

Instead of watching some useless TV show, read or listen an interesting book, watch a deep smart movie or visit some stage speaker you like. Get new friends who inspire you, and with whom you can exchange ideas and new information. 

Travel and visit new places as much as possible, it will expand your knowledge about other peoples and cultures and perhaps give you new ideas and inspiration for your life. 

Spend time with yourself sometimes, without any distractions, it will help you to recharge and clear your mind out of daily stress.

Be respectful for your past, live in the moment, think about your future. Every step and action you do today is a brick to your future castle. How this castle will look like depends only on you. 

Love yourself first and care about yourself on all levels, mentally, physically and spiritually. Don’t let bad people and situations brake your spirit. In this life you only have yourself, and only you can take care of yourself.

Q: You make unique designer candles that harmonize and attract desired events into life. Which ones have particularly helped you personally? How often do you light candles?

A: I light my candles daily. For me daily meditations are the one of the most important things of the day. I usually spend 15-20 mins on it. My favorite candles are: cleaning your energy, protection, love (to attract new love or for exciting relationship), money candle, beauty candle and good luck one. Those candles are all over my place, I usually burn it in the evening. When I wanna focus on something specific like love or money or whatever, I use particular candle for it and do meditation with visualization. 

They all work for me great, I always get what I want in life. 

Model: Katerina Katz @katarinakatz

Photo by: @bygannas

MUA by: @maria_kar_makeup

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